These new facilities encompass the latest in technology. Rather than utilizing tellers, these branches are equipped with ITMs (Interactive Teller Machines) that allow members to make deposits and / or withdrawals without the need for teller services. Each member is greeted as they enter the branch by an employee of the credit union. If something other than a deposit or withdrawal is needed, the member is escorted to an office to conduct the necessary transactions or employ the needed services. The employees that service these modern branches are referred to as “Universal Employees”. They are able to handle all types of member transactions, unlike the old days where there were tellers, loan specialists or member service reps. Five Star is the first Design Build Solutions, Inc. client to take technology to this level inside the branch.
Outside the branch members are able to access Interactive Teller Machines and make deposits and withdrawals without exiting thier cars. Unlike traditional drive-thru banking services, the ITM’s are available 24/7 and are able to service any transaction traditionally serviced by a drive-thru teller.